we make your life
moments matter

From memorable gifts to stylish attire, we have everything you need to celebrate your achievements in style.

Take a sneak peak of our organization

The playground we used to create and innovate.

The folks that runs the spaceship.

the company VALUES

Best performance company have values that drives them to give all of the effort to deliver high satisfaction for their customers.
These core values are deeply ingrained in our company culture and are reflected in everything we do.


Creates the creative product and services is a must. The sparks of innovation and best result comes from this fun yet challenging process.


Every challenges and stages of development, We believe by uphold this spirits will lead us to a better outcome.


We operate with the highest levels of honesty, transparency, and integrity, and we believe that doing the right thing is always the best approach.

These values is represent what we stands for and how we operates.
In which we hopefully it can lead to better customer experiences.

the achievements
on numbers

Our statistics are a testament to our progress and growth, which we take great pride
in and strive to improve upon daily.

35.000+ Sash

Sash already purchased by our Lovely Customers.

100+ District & City

Already more than hundreds of cities and Districts across indonesia that we reach to deliver the products

1.400+ University

Banks of logos and students that comes from various universities

West Sumatera


High satisfaction rates represents by our happy customers testimonies.

9.000+ Testimony

Happy customers that reviewed our products on Shopee and TikTok Shop.

We are excited to continue providing more to our customers, as we strongly believe that our creativity and expertise can greatly benefit them. We take great joy in fostering a mutually-reinforcing relationship with our customers, where their success is also our success.

the happy partners

Our customers that comes from abroad universities :

Our customers that been purchased on high volume orders :

take a quick preview of our team and
the workshop we used to have a good time

The playground we used to create and innovate.

The folks that runs the spaceship.

Request bulking order or wholesale?

We are pleased to inform you that we accept orders in large quantities at reasonable and competitive prices. Also, We understand the importance of meeting our customers' timelines, and our team is committed to delivering products on time.

check our profile on instagram!

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